The Wind of The Holy Ghost is Shifting Us Into A New Dimension in God...From Glory to Glory




Bishop Glister & Lady Latarsha Threadgill

fundraising ideas


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Nehemiah 4:6 "So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work."


Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We here at POD Worship Center are working hard to build the part of the wall that surrounds God's promise for His people. We strive as our motto says, To change people's lives for the better. Through much effort we have accomplished a lot. We at POD do not despise small beginnings. Even though we are small in number, our heart and love is larger than life. We strive through the ministries here to help people whatever way we can. But we know our potential and we recognize our potential with additional help.

We ask of you our brothers and sisters to help us to reach our goals and help the vision at Paradise of Deliverance to speak. We ask of you to donate to the ministry to help build the walls for the work of the Lord to move on.

Below we have furnished a "Donation Button" where you can give whatever the Lord lay on your heart to sow into the ministry to help us in purchasing a building within an urban neighborhood in the heart of West Philadelphia Pennsylvania. If by the grace of God this building is donated, then repairs will need to be done to bring it up to standard to be used for God's glory. We thank you in advance for your generous contribution to the cause. Here are some highlights of what is to be birthed through POD Worship Center:

Educational Outreach

Youth Haven Outreach

Family Transitional Complex Outreach ( Housing 25 to 50 Families until Placement )

POD Employment Preparation Enrichment Program

The above are just a few of what this ministry is trying and will do in the City of Brotherly Love & the surrounding area. Your contribution will not be in vain. This ground is fertile and fruitful for God has promised us in Psalms 118 that He is on our side. Sow and be blessed. Believe with us and watch God move. We bless God in all things.


Bishop Glister & Lady Latarsha Threadgill and
The Paradise of Deliverance Church at Large

Come On & Let's Build For The Kingdom of God



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All Rights Reserved.